2024 Habit Ideas

Habit Ideas

Use these templates for your Habit Project! Choose habits that are EASY for you to perform each day. Little habits add up to big results.

  1. Physical: every day

    1. Perform 10 Push Ups

    2. Perform 25 Push Ups

    3. Perform 25 Squats

    4. Perform 50 Squats

    5. Walk or run 8,000 Steps

    6. Practice your form 3 times

    7. Drink 1/2 a gallon of water

    8. Run 1 mile

    9. Perform 30 Sit Ups

    10. Stretch for 10 Minutes

    11. No Fast Food (Including Chik-Fil-A)

    12. Hold a Plank or Superman for 1 Minute (No Rest)

    13. No soda (or adult soda)

    14. Go to bed and wake up at consistent times every day (30 Minute Window)

    15. Stick to a calorie range or macro range with your diet

  2. Mental: Every day

    1. Read 10 Pages.

    2. Meditate for 5 minutes.

    3. Make your bed & tidy your room.

    4. Only spend 1 hour on social media.

    5. Only spend 2 hours per day on video games.

    6. Journal 2 sentences about your day.

    7. Go out of your way to compliment someone or talk to someone you normally don't.

    8. Finish your homework as soon as you get home.

    9. Brush your teeth morning and night without being reminded.

    10. Journal 2 sentences about something you accomplished that you are proud of today.

  3. Gratitude: Every day

    1. Wash the dishes

    2. Set the table

    3. Empty the dishwasher and fold the laundry

    4. Don't have an attitude

    5. Journal 5 things you are grateful for.

    6. Say Yes Sir/Yes Ma'am when asked to do something and do it the first time

    7. Only complain once a day.

    8. At the end of the day, name one you thing you appreciated your parents/spouse doing.


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