Failure - Build Your Failure Immune System

“If you aren’t failing you’re not learning. - Fail early, fail often.”

These are great sentences to remember! If you do 10 push ups today, you might be able to do 11 tomorrow. The more you fail today the more failure you can endure tomorrow.

Kids need the opportunity to fail and fail in front of others. If someone goes through life and never fails in front of someone their life is not worth living. They are living in a bubble and eventually it will pop.

People who have the most experience failing often become some of the most successful people in the world. They have the resiliency to endure failure and keep going.

How do they get that fortitude? They aren’t born with it. It is molded by the parent. A kid would much rather stay inside all day on his/her iPhone than go do something. If they do something else there is a risk of failure, there is a risk of embarrassment!

There is no real risk of failure in playing Fortnite or snap chatting. Which is why more and more people do it.

Your challenge this week is to go out and do something that is scary for YOU to fail at.

If you are a parent, don’t you dare make your kid try something before you do it first.


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"Deeds, not words."