
The Foundation

Discipline Equals Freedom. The discipline to do something even when you don't want to do it is the most important trait our students learn at Karate RX. We learn discipline through multiple facets but this is the core.



The Golden Rule

Treating others how you want to be treated is a lesson that even adults in this day and age choose not to do. Putting the video games down to listen to your parents, saying yes ma'am and yes sir at home and at school are two small examples of what we teach about respect. 



Get it done

There are so many ways to become distracted in life today. Instagram, Facebook, video games. There are millions of different things fighting for our attention. It's important that our youth learns that no matter what may be fun at the moment, we need to focus on what is truly important: our relationships (family & friends), our health (nutrition, exercise), and our goals (school or career).



life is not a sprint

Creating and following a routine has been proven to increase productivity, health, and happiness. I'm not saying you shouldn't take that vacation once a year or stay up late watching Stranger Things with some ice cream. I'm telling you that in every area of your life, consistency over time is what causes change, not short bursts of energy. 



how can one shoot a target that doesn't exist?

Goals and benchmarks are the only way to measure progress. There is a reason there are belts between white and black. You can't lift 500lb before you lift 259lb. Setting and sticking to goals is a constant lesson at Karate RX through martial arts and fitness.



I choose to be grateful. that attitude allows me to be happy.

We have so much to be thankful for in America. The fact that kids complain about not having WiFi is wild to me. Yelling at them doesn't seem to make them more grateful though. Through constant thank you's, questions in class about, and projects that follow our students. Gratitude is a top priority on the list.  



You may not be perfect but parts of you are awesome. 

Confidence cannot be given, it is earned by each individual who possesses it. No-one is good at everything, and most people are scared to face that. Once an individual discovers their strengths and weaknesses they can begin to earn true confidence and self esteem.



the wealthiest place in the world is the graveyard

The fear of failure is what is killing the creativity and productiveness of our youth today. We are afraid of failing our homework so we put it off. We are afraid of making a mistake in front of our parents so we shut down when we are with them. We are afraid of what everyone will think of us when our business fails. What is worse than failure? REGRET. 


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Click below to schedule a time to come in and try it out for free. No strings attached.